Kunci dari contoh latihan soal berikut adalah gunakan kombinasi dari skill 1, skill 2, dan skill tiga yang telah kalian pelajari. Ingat, dalam TOEFL tiap skill tidak berdiri sendiri, tetapi saling berkaitan.

Choose the best answer based on the following sentences!

1.      The Mayflower was bound for Virginia, but a hurricane ................. off course

a.       Blew it

b.      To blow it

c.       It blew

d.      Blowing it


2.      The Rose Bowl, ............... place on New Year’s day, is the oldest postseason collegiate football game in the United States.

a.       Takes

b.      Which takes

c.       It takes

d.      Took


3.      The North Pole .................... a latitude of 90 degrees north.

a.       Has

b.      Is having

c.       Which is having

d.      It has

4.      The greenhouse effect occurs .......... heat radiating from the Sun.

a.       When does the Earth’ atmosphere trap

b.      Does the Earth’ atmosphere trap

c.       When the Earth’ atmosphere trap

d.      The Earth’ atmosphere trap


5.      ............. greyhound, can achieve speeds ip to thirty-six miles per hour.

a.       The

b.      The fastest

c.       The fastest dog

d.      The fastest dog, the


6.      The North Plate River ........... from Wyoming into Nebraska

a.       It flowed

b.      Flows

c.       Flowing

d.      With flowing water


7.      ............ Biloxi received its name from a Sioux word meaning “first people”

a.       The city of

b.      Located in

c.       It is in

d.      The tour included


8.      .............. Tea plant are small and white

a.       The

b.      On the

c.       Having flowers the

d.      The flowers of the


9.      ............., Levi Ackerman is the most wel-known character in that manga.

a.       The strongest character in AOT

b.      Strongest character in AOT

c.       The strong character in AOT

d.      Very strongest character in AOT


10.  A pride of lions .......... up to forty lions, including one to three males, several females, and cubs.

a.       Can contain

b.      It contain

c.       Contain

d.      Containing


11.  Rumbling, .........................., is the main plot in the end of AOT manga

a.       Is the world destruction

b.      Is world destruction

c.       The world destruction

d.      World destruction


12.  The major cause .......... the pull of Moon on the Earth.

a.       The ocean tides are

b.      Of ocean tides is

c.       Of the tides in the ocean

d.      The ocean’tides


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